2022 AGG Set Subject Definitions

Macro/Close up
Close-up means you’re just shooting at a short distance from the subject.  You can use virtually any lens to achieve close-up photos.  Macro means you’re taking super close-ups of objects at 1:1. Meaning, the size of the image on your sensor is equal to the size of the item you’re photographing in real life.

Something Starting with “S”

Look for a subject starting with “S”.  Best avoid a Sunrise/Sunset’s as your main subject but they may be the background of your “S” subject.

eg, Station, Sign, Satellite (good luck), Silhouette, Seat, Smoke, Spiral, Ship

Frame it

“Frame it” Definition for BVCC set subject AGG 02, 2022.  

This definition is to be used as a useful guide.  Our judge will be given this guide to work as a standard.  Your image will be judged against this definition.

If your image is deemed outside this definition, you may not receive a score.


There are many elements in composition including but not limited to patterns, lines, curves, contrast, and shape.  In this definition, FRAMES is your focus, you will use this element of composition to capture a subject or scene.  For example, you might shoot through a doorway, branches of a tree, arches, or tunnel to highlight your subject.  Your eye will be directed to a particular subject or towards a subject by means of your frame.

Using a frame within your photograph is a creative way to add interest and expand on the storytelling abilities of your image.  Pay attention to the architectural and natural elements around you that could lend themselves to an interesting framing subject.  Experiment with different angles, views, and compositions to find out what works best for you.

On the following Pinterest page, you will find many examples of framing and useful resources.  https://www.pinterest.com.au/photolizardavid/compositional-framing/

Good Luck.